The end is in sight!
Love Beyond Labels—When Finances Flip awaits its formal debut.
I devoted decades to writing Christian living articles before writing this book. Many months of editing, formatting, and designing are coming to a close. Giddy with excitement, I expect to receive the final cover design this week. I’ll order a proof copy, make corrections, and then submit the final version for publication. I’ll want to celebrate and relax the day this project finishes.
But my friends tell me that publishing is only the beginning. They say it’s my job to help potential readers find the book. In an ideal world, I would be an influencer with expert skills in creating effective websites, social media posts, Amazon book descriptions, book launch parties, and podcasts.
But I am none of those things.
I’ll make mistakes and miss opportunities. I’ll prioritize other activities. I don’t think I’ll ever be an expert at these things, but I’m sure Future Me (in another year or two) will be much more proficient than Current Me.
You’ve been there, too, haven’t you?
- You work hard to get graduate from high school with good grades so you can attend a great university—but after the first day of class, you realize that your study habits are insufficient.
- You spent two years in fertility treatments to get pregnant. Then you realize that your expertise in fertility in no way prepares you for midnight cries and an infant’s stuffy nose.
- You Invest years developing a career. Your work is rewarded with a promotion. Suddenly you are working harder than ever while also attending MBA night classes to gain management skills that were never part of your job responsibilities in the past.
So often, the end marks a new beginning. And that new beginning is often harder than the mountain we’ve already climbed. The truth is that we are constantly in the process of becoming.
On the spiritual side, we come to a place of salvation, and suddenly we know for certain we’ll be spending eternity with God. But even that high point is only a beginning. Next, we get to learn to walk in His ways and “become” like Jesus.
For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son. (Romans 8:29a NLT)
I’m not an expert at that either!
Nonetheless, with God’s help, may the Future Me and the Future You look back with sweet satisfaction when we see how far we’ve come.
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